Full blood count and urinalysis Warsaw and Płock | OpenMed Medical Centre

Laboratory tests for adults - blood tests and urinalysis

Even if you feel well, each of us should have regular blood tests appropriate for our age group. We must remember that many diseases can progress without any symptoms. A blood test enables early detection of diseases, offers greater treatment possibilities, and often helps avoid advanced methods (e.g., surgery). Patients often go for blood tests with a referral from their doctor, but you can also go on your own without a referral, which we highly encourage you to do. OpenMed Medical Centre offers tests in three locations: laboratory tests in Warsaw Wola, Warsaw Praga, and Płock - check the price list..

Laboratory tests involve determining the composition and other parameters of the blood or other material collected from the patient by medical staff. For the convenience of our patients, we have prepared two options for receiving results. You can collect your blood test results in person at our Medical Centres in paper form or receive an electronic version through our online portal. Tests at OpenMed facilities are carried out in cooperation with one of the leading laboratory diagnostics providers in Poland, the renowned Synevo Laboratory in Warsaw. When interpreting the results, pay attention to the reference values provided by the laboratory. Results should be consulted with a specialist doctor, who will decide on further diagnostic and treatment procedures.

A urinalysis allows for the analysis of abnormalities in the body's metabolic processes. It is often also ordered in kidney and urinary tract diseases. A urinalysis involves assessing its physical characteristics (colour, smell, reaction, specific gravity, and transparency) as well as a microscopic evaluation of the sediment.

The results of laboratory tests depend on several factors, such as age, sex, body mass, lifestyle, daily diet, stimulants, time of day, biological rhythms (e.g., the menstrual cycle in women), pregnancy, or medications taken. Sometimes a blood test requires you to come to the clinic on an empty stomach (e.g., for cholesterol or glucose level testing).

Blood test - full blood count

The most basic test is a blood count, which each of us should do once a year. A blood count is a cheap and very important test that helps control the state of the body and detect many diseases at an early stage. Besides basic count, which is the most frequently performed test in laboratories, we must also remember other, more detailed tests. You can have blood count and other necessary tests done at our Blood Collection Points in Warsaw and Płock.

Blood group test

A blood group is determined based on a sample of the patient's venous blood. By examining the serum, we can identify the presence of antigens (both A and B, as well as Rh). A blood group test is mandatory before surgeries and blood transfusions, when planning a pregnancy (to check the compatibility of the mother's and child's blood groups). It is also necessary before a transplant and if you are becoming a blood donor. You can have blood tests done at our points in Warsaw and Płock.

How to prepare for a blood test?

Are you going to go through a blood test?

We have prepared a few tips for you on how to prepare properly:

  • Come on an empty stomach, do not eat anything before the test.
  • To avoid disrupting the results, have dinner the night before 2-3 hours before going to bed. It should not be too sweet or too fatty. We recommend having a light dinner, such as two slices of whole grain rye bread with lean cold cuts and vegetables or a salad based on fresh vegetables with grilled poultry and dark bread.
  • Discontinue any supplements and herbs you are taking 3 to 5 days before the test.
  • Do not drink alcohol the day before the test and refrain from drinking coffee (a maximum of one cup of coffee is recommended).
  • However, it is worth ensuring your body is hydrated before the test. Drinking about 2 litres of water the previous day will help maintain proper blood fluidity.
  • Avoid intense physical activity the day before your visit.

We perform over 5000 types of blood tests

Including the following areas:

  • infectious diagnostics
  • microbiology
  • general analytics
  • biochemistry, hormones
  • allergology diagnostics
  • hematology
  • coagulation tests
  • genetic tests
  • cancer markers

We will perform any type of test for you, the results of which may be helpful in diagnosis, but also exclude the occurrence of diseases. Please contact us, and we will provide the cost of performing any test. However, we encourage you to take advantage of the comprehensive offer of tests included in the packages prepared by our specialist doctors and priced below.

Laboratory tests - Packages

Approach tests comprehensively – TAKE ADVANTAGE of the PACKAGES and the advice of our doctors.



In the daily rush and multitude of responsibilities, it is very easy to forget about regularly checking the state of your health. Basic blood and urine tests should be performed by each of us at least once a year, without waiting for a referral from a doctor.

In response to the needs of our visiting patients, we have prepared the GENERAL HEALTH laboratory test package, which allows for a general assessment of our current health condition, as well as the detection of various diseases at an early stage of development and the quick initiation of treatment.

Remember that many diseases in the initial phases do not show any symptoms!


  • General urine test - provides a lot of important information about the functioning of the urinary system
  • ESR - is an indicator of inflammatory, rheumatic, and neoplastic processes
  • Morphology - reflects our health status, helps detect many abnormalities
  • Glucose - test performed prophylactically for diabetes
  • Lipid profile - helps prevent, for example, atherosclerosis, heart attack, or stroke
  • ALT - allows for an accurate assessment of liver condition
  • Urea - helps in detecting kidney diseases and metabolic disorders
  • Creatinine - performed to assess the efficiency of the renal glomeruli
  • TSH - test used to detect thyroid diseases
  • AST - a basic parameter indicating health status, belongs to the group of liver function tests
  • Iron - test allows for the diagnosis of anemia
  • Ferritin - ferritin level test helps assess iron stores in the body and is crucial in diagnosing anemia and conditions related to iron deficiency or excess
  • Vitamin D3 - measurement of vitamin D3 concentration allows for the assessment of calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body, which is important for bone health and the immune system
  • CRP (C-reactive protein) - CRP level test is used to detect inflammatory conditions in the body and is helpful in monitoring the course of inflammatory diseases and infections
  • GGTP (Gamma-glutamyltransferase) - GGTP level assessment is used for diagnosing liver and bile duct diseases, as well as monitoring liver damage caused by alcohol or drugs



The human heart is an extraordinary and very important organ. It works continuously, contracting about 100,000 times a day! Throughout our entire life, the number of contractions can exceed even 2.5 billion times, pumping approximately 173 million liters of blood.

In caring for our patients, we have prepared the HEALTHY HEART blood test package. It is a simple, quick, and inexpensive way to check its condition.


  • Fibrinogen - involved in the final process of blood clotting
  • D-dimers quantitatively - formed during the breakdown of clots in the body
  • Na (sodium) - an element that enables the efficient functioning of the heart
  • K (potassium) - supports the generation of electrical impulses in heart muscle cells
  • Lipid profile - the test helps detect the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease
  • CK - creatine kinase - an enzyme found in large amounts in the heart muscle, responsible for energy transformations



Supporting our patients in maintaining proper physical fitness, together with the team of specialists from OpenMed Joint Regeneration Center, we have prepared the HEALTHY BONES laboratory test package. The set of tests included in this package allows for the assessment of the current state of bones and their metabolism, as well as calcium-phosphate balance.

The most common bone disease is osteoporosis. It is a condition characterized by reduced bone strength, resulting in a high susceptibility to damage and fractures.

The HEALTHY BONES package is mainly designed for individuals particularly at risk of musculoskeletal diseases. It is aimed at people actively engaged in sports, seniors, postmenopausal women, and individuals with hormonal disorders. Many other factors also affect the condition of our bones, such as vitamin D deficiencies, poor diet, or substance use, so it is worth taking advantage of the package offer and performing preventive tests.


  • Morphology - reflects our health status, helps detect many abnormalities
  • ESR - is an indicator of inflammatory, rheumatic, and neoplastic processes
  • Creatinine - performed to assess the efficiency of the renal glomeruli
  • Phosphorus - responsible for healthy, strong bones and teeth
  • Calcium - 99% of the calcium in the body is found in our bones!
  • Vitamin D - adequate supply of vitamin D is needed for the bone mineralization process
  • ALP - low levels of this enzyme can lead to bone deformities
  • Parathyroid hormone - hormone responsible for maintaining calcium-phosphate balance
  • TSH - abnormal thyroid hormone levels are often the cause of bone and joint disorders



Developed by our team of specialists, the SPORTS PACKAGE is an ideal way to help individuals who train regularly maintain the perfect biological balance of their bodies. This package is also an excellent gift for our loved ones who practice various sports disciplines.

The significantly increased physical activity in athletes requires them to take exceptional care in maintaining excellent physical fitness. The test package we offer allows for the proper planning of a training schedule and helps prevent ailments such as overtraining, extreme dehydration, or other occupational diseases occurring in athletes.


  • Morphology - the quality and quantity of erythrocytes in an athlete is an indicator of oxygen capacity
  • ESR - elevated levels indicate inflammatory conditions in the body
  • General urine test - tests for diseases of the urinary system and kidneys, as well as metabolic abnormalities
  • Lipid profile - helps assess the risk of heart-related conditions
  • Glucose - responsible for the production of energy needed for muscle contractions in athletes
  • Creatinine - helps detect kidney diseases
  • Magnesium - an adequate level of magnesium eliminates cramps, muscle tremors, excessive nervousness, and psychophysical tension
  • Potassium - potassium deficiency can cause fatigue, lethargy, weakness, and muscle tremors
  • Calcium - an element involved in the mineralization process of bones, which significantly affects their density and hardness
  • Uric acid - physical exertion increases uric acid levels, which can cause pain
  • Albumin - physical activity significantly affects the increase in albumin, which may indicate dehydration
  • Total protein - may suggest chronic inflammatory conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, and severe dehydration
  • Cortisol - its level is crucial in building muscle mass
  • Testosterone - significantly improves muscle adaptation to exercise and helps in their quick recovery



Rheumatic diseases are not ailments that only affect the elderly. They are a group of about 200 conditions occurring among people of various ages, regardless of gender and race.

Rheumatism is currently one of the fastest-growing civilization diseases. It is estimated that in Poland alone, one in four people struggles with it, which amounts to 10 million Poles!

Prepared in collaboration with our specialists, the RHEUMATIC PACKAGE allows for the recognition of existing inflammatory conditions, efficient diagnosis of rheumatic diseases, assessment of the causes of pain, appropriate treatment, and monitoring of health status in the fight against the disease.


  • Morphology - reflects our health status, is fundamental in diagnosing many diseases
  • CRP - acute phase protein, helps in diagnosing inflammatory conditions
  • RF - rheumatoid factor, performed for example in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis
  • ESR - is an indicator of inflammatory, rheumatic, and neoplastic processes
  • Uric acid - used in the diagnosis of kidney function disorders and monitoring proliferative diseases
  • Creatinine - performed to assess the efficiency of the renal glomeruli
  • Proteinogram - helpful in diagnosing liver diseases, nephrotic syndrome, inflammatory conditions, and tumors
  • ALT - allows for an accurate assessment of liver condition



A set of basic tests for the diagnosis of thyroid diseases. The tests included in the HEALTHY THYROID PACKAGE help in diagnosing thyroid diseases, allowing for the identification of potential irregularities in thyroid function.


  • TSH - The test is used for the diagnosis of thyroid disorders. TSH level measurement is the most sensitive test that detects irregularities in thyroid function.
  • FT4 - The test helps in a comprehensive examination of thyroid function. The FT4 test involves assessing the concentration of free thyroxine fraction.
  • anti-TPO - Antibodies against thyroid peroxidase. The purpose of the test is the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid diseases.


HEALTHY THYROID PACKAGE (extended) - Price: 252 PLN

A set of six tests for the diagnosis of thyroid diseases. The tests included in the extended HEALTHY THYROID PACKAGE help in diagnosing thyroid diseases, allow for the identification of potential irregularities in thyroid function, and assist in detecting pathologies.

Additionally, the package has been extended with tests that help demonstrate the autoimmune basis of thyroid diseases.

HEALTHY THYROID PACKAGE (extended) includes:

  • TSH - The test is used for the diagnosis of thyroid disorders. TSH level measurement is the most sensitive test that detects irregularities in thyroid function.
  • FT3 - This is the measurement of the concentration of free triiodothyronine fraction - FT3. In hypothyroidism, a decrease in FT3 concentration is noted, and in hyperthyroidism, an increase.
  • FT4 - The test helps in a comprehensive examination of thyroid function. The FT4 test involves assessing the concentration of free thyroxine fraction.
  • anti-TPO - Antibodies against thyroid peroxidase. The purpose of the test is the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid diseases.
  • anti-TG - Anti-thyroid antibodies produced in the thyroid gland. The test is particularly useful in the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases, treatment and observation of thyroid cancer, and the diagnosis of goiter on the neck.
  • Anti-TSH receptor antibodies (TRAb) - The test helps in diagnosing the presence of antibodies against the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor.



  • Blood group - confirmed
  • Peripheral blood morphology
  • Urine - general analysis
  • Glucose
  • TSH III Generation
  • HBs antigen
  • Anti-HCV antibodies
  • Anti-HIV ½ antibodies
  • Toxoplasma IgG / IgM
  • Rubella IgG
  • CMV IgG
  • CMV IgM
  • WR

Most Popular laboratory tsts

At OpenMed, always aiming to improve the quality of life and health, we promote health and encourage our patients to undergo regular check-ups. Below, we have prepared a list of the most frequently chosen tests by our visiting patients. All tests can be carried out at the Blood Collection Point available in each of our clinics.

Total blood count

Total blood count is one of the most basic blood tests prescribed for diagnostic purposes. To monitor our health, regardless of age, everyone should have it done at least once a year. Blood count involves the quantitative and qualitative assessment of various blood components responsible for the overall functioning of the body. By evaluating individual elements of our blood, many conditions can be quickly diagnosed, such as blood diseases, anemia, and inflammatory states.

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a test that measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in plasma. If there is an inflammatory state in your body, protein levels increase. This protein causes red blood cells to have a higher tendency to stack together, resulting in faster sedimentation. An elevated ESR level may indicate bacterial infection, inflammatory disease (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis), severe anemia caused by iron and vitamin B12 deficiency, chronic kidney inflammation, or cancer. A low ESR level can indicate sickle cell anemia, certain allergies, jaundice, or even chronic heart failure.

Blood glucose level

Blood glucose level testing is part of a group of preventive tests, particularly for individuals at increased risk of developing diabetes, such as those who are obese or come from families with a history of diabetes. Indications for testing include symptoms like constant fatigue, weakness, chronic infections, general malaise, intense hunger, persistent anxiety, and accelerated heart rate. This test is also performed in diagnosing and treating patients with carbohydrate metabolism disorders (diabetes, neonatal hypoglycemia, idiopathic hypoglycemia) and in monitoring diabetes treatment.

Lipid profile

Among the essential tests, it's important to remember cholesterol. Elevated levels indicate a risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. Conversely, low values may appear in cases such as liver failure or hyperthyroidism.


Urinalysis is one of the most fundamental and crucial tests that can provide significant insights into your health status. The primary indications for this test include kidney disorders, urinary tract diseases, systemic diseases, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

Measuring TSH levels is an extremely important diagnostic tool used to assess the metabolic state of the thyroid gland. Thyroid stimulating hormone is produced by the pituitary gland (an endocrine gland), and changes in its levels are associated with changes in the levels of hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. Indications for measuring TSH levels include suspicion of thyroid disorders, sudden weight loss (despite regular eating habits), irregular heartbeat, constipation, weight gain, skin changes, deteriorating nail and hair condition, and diagnosing infertility in women. Due to the diurnal variation in TSH secretion, measuring thyroid stimulating hormone levels should ideally be done in the morning.

CRP (C Reactive Protein, białko ostrej fazy)

CRP is one of the acute phase proteins, meaning that its elevated levels in the blood can indicate developing inflammation in the body. The concentration of CRP is influenced by various factors such as age, sex, current season, and daily physical activity. One of the undeniable advantages of this test is its quick turnaround time and low cost relative to its high sensitivity in detecting inflammatory conditions, which is why it is often used in hospital practice. A significantly elevated CRP level, deviating from the norm, may indicate a heart attack, severe bacterial infection, or cancer. Slightly elevated acute phase protein may indicate mild inflammation, viral disease, or accompany colds or dental diseases. Elevated CRP levels always require consultation with a doctor and further diagnosis.

Ionogram (electrolyte level measurement)

Electrolytes are ions commonly found in the human body. An ionogram is a test that measures the levels of electrolytes to assess the body's water-electrolyte balance. This test is commonly used in the treatment of conditions such as hypertension, kidney, and liver diseases. The ionogram evaluates the levels of the following electrolytes: sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, and phosphates. An ionogram is a test worth performing if you notice: frequently occurring abnormal blood pressure, irregular heart rhythm, swelling of the lower limbs, fainting, dizziness, increased irritability, and nervous excitability.

To facilitate the execution of all necessary tests, Blood Collection Points are available in each of our facilities. You can find Blood Collection Points at the following locations: Warsaw Wola, Warsaw Praga, Płock.

Have you got questions? Get in touch with us - 22 100 45 20 or 24 337 62 66.

Find our full offer of tests in our price list: OUR FULL OFFER - PRICE LIST Collection Point Warsaw/Płock: COLLECTION POINT

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