Psychiatrist Warsaw and Płock
Dear patients, we currently do not offer services in this specialisation.
Psychiatry is a medical specialization that focuses on the prevention, treatment, examination, and education related to all types of mental disorders and illnesses. During a psychiatric consultation, the specialist assesses the patient's condition and diagnoses their symptoms according to the diagnostic criteria adopted in Poland (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, ICD-10).
When should you consider a visit to a psychiatrist?
Consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary for any mental health issues that are difficult to cope with alone. Do not delay seeking help if you experience intense sadness, anxiety, a sense of hopelessness and lack of energy, struggle with strong feelings of guilt, or feel tension. It is crucial to schedule an appointment with a specialist if you have suicidal thoughts. Symptoms of mental illnesses include not only those associated with depression but also with mania, characterized by abnormally elevated mood, racing thoughts, erratic behavior, and high levels of activity. A visit to a psychiatry specialist is also essential for severe anxiety disorders and those related to social life: panic attacks, constant restlessness, withdrawal from social life, and avoiding contact with others. It is also important to be aware of psychotic symptoms such as auditory and visual hallucinations, delusions, severe thought disorders, or catatonia - movement disorders that may involve freezing in one position.
What is the first visit to a psychiatrist like?
The first visit to a psychiatrist lasts for 40 minutes and largely focuses on a detailed conversation with the patient. The specialist conducts a thorough interview, so there's no need to worry about how the conversation will proceed. It will be conducted in a way to create a safe space for the patient to discuss their symptoms, and if needed, the doctor will ask additional questions to clarify any difficulties. The questions asked by the psychiatrist not only focus on the patient's symptoms but also on their current life situation, childhood issues, and health problems. If necessary, the patient may be referred for additional tests to exclude the presence of somatic factors.
What disorders does a psychiatrist treat?
The disorders treated by a psychiatrist include, among others:
- dementia diseases (including dementia in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's diseases),
- disorders related to organic brain damage,
- psychoactive substance addictions,
- behavioral addictions,
- psychotic disorders (including schizophrenia, delusional disorders),
- mood disorders (depression, mania, bipolar affective disorder),
- anxiety disorders in the form of phobias,
- generalized anxiety disorders,
- obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD),
- post-traumatic stress disorders,
- somatization disorders,
- personality disorders.
We offer:
- psychiatric consultations for adults
- issuance of necessary documents for the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS), Insurance Companies, Disability Assessment Commissions
Dear patients, we currently do not offer services in this specialisation.